STOP Doing This To Feel More Powerful

life & business coach sonja thompkins specializes in mindset and holistic self mastery

You’re way too powerful to keep doing this

As a life & business coach who specializes in self mastery and mindset energetics it really eats at me when powerful, smart people time and time again give agency over their life and desires to someone else simply because they don’t trust themselves. It’s a sabotaging behavior that left unchecked will having you looking everywhere but in the right place for the best life or business for you.

It can be stealth when it happens, sometimes showing up and masking its self as “being cooperative” a “team player” or “asking for help”. So you have to be vigilant at times to make sure you’re not falling into the trap.

Wanna know how to keep it at bay and stay in your own power? Watch the video below.

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