Ep21: Master Your Manifestation Part 3 -How To Make Sure You’re Setting The Right Goals For You Personally & Professionally

Episode 21 - How To Make Sure You’re Setting The Right Goals For You Personally & Professionally

This episode is a journey into the art of setting goals and focusing on the harmony between internal and external aspirations. If you’ve ever found yourself wondering about the most purposeful goals for both aspects of your life, this one’s for you.

Key Takeaways

Balancing Act

Discover the art of living a more harmonious and purposeful centered personal and professional life.

Clarity Unleashed

How to use the transformative power of clarity to choose goals based on your authentic desires, steering away from external pressures.

Mission-Aligned Goals

Learn to choose professional goals that align with your mission and bottom line, ensuring a positive impact in harmony with your core values.

The Essence of Personal Goals

Embrace the essence of personal goals rooted in internal feelings and emotions, emphasizing self-fulfillment over external validation.

ASM Ep 21: How To Make Sure You’re Setting The Right Goals For You Personally & Professionally

Hello. soulful listeners. Thank you so much for tuning in today. This is going to be a great episode, especially for those of you who might be wondering what are the best or the most  purposeful. Goals that you can make for yourself, both in your personal.  And professional. Life. A lot of times as multi-passionate leaders. entrepreneurs, we tend to look at, well, at least I’ll speak for myself, right? We tend to. Kind of compile all of our goals into one area. 


We’re like, oh, what are my goals? And then we sort of arbitrarily go down this list. , and for those of us who have been. Business owners or in leadership positions. , we tend to sort of start from the business goals first. I think that probably is inherently because. As business owners or leaders. You know, the bottom line and our income and sort of like always playing in the background of our brains. 


And so we tend to lead with that. But, what I have found personally is that it is much more. 


Balanced and harmonious and.,  heart-centered. When we not only. 


begin from. The self first, our desires is as a human. Not only from that room first, but also making sure that we sort of separate. At least in the. Process of identifying what our goals are, sort of separating our personal goals and our professional goals so that we can clearly see.  What those are. 


And that then once we have that clarity around the personal goals, we have that clarity around the professional goals. Then we can sort of cross check them with each other and make sure that they are playing nice.


, and then proceed. So if this sounds like something you’ve been contemplating thinking or something that you are actively in the process of determining right now, or re-evaluating, this is going to be again, a very helpful episode. 

So let’s do right hand. Clarity will help you more than anything in this area.   Clarity is going to be. , one of the most transformative skills and it’s really helped me, , being able to support myself as an entrepreneur, , my entire adult life and be a present wife, and mom. 


So. I think when you start with clarity, it’ll help you choose goals based on what you actually desire. And again, not just. Not creating goals, sort of out of places of what others are doing, what. Society says what. Forbes is saying you should be doing as a business owner or as a leader, but more of like, okay, let me first get clear on what is coming up for me. 


 What things am I called to attracted to, , that are emitting from a deep place within  myself. , as a goal and start there. And then we can kind of, you know, sort of cross check if you will, that with some of those other, Metrics, you know, whether it is like, okay, well,  here’s the normal growth rate or, you know, we, we do want to have some. In terms of like our business goals, I would say in particular, we do want to have some strategy there and some for lack of a better word realism. But it always has to be, offset by, you know, our inner knowing our inner being.  So once you have that clarity, , this will help you choose those particular goals. 


Right? So, If you are. An entrepreneur or someone in a leadership. Position. Okay. , let’s talk about, and even if you’re not, if you’re listening to this and you’re like, that’s not me, but I still have professional goals. Let’s talk about how to choose. Your professional slash business goals. Okay. 


Number one. Choose. Professional goals, business goals that will make a positive difference for your brand and your bottom line. Right. What do I mean by that? I want you to. 


 Through. Awareness of all the things that you’re thinking, all the goals that you’re thinking about . Then running that through the filter of clarity, like, let me get clear as this really, you know, does this really feel like what I want to be doing. Make sure you’re running that through. Is this really what I want for my business are these goals that will serve my business. And a way that is in alignment with my businesses. Core values the mission of the business, right. 


And that will make a positive difference. Right. Not goals, not business goals, not professional goals based on trendy metrics or the businesses down the street. I’ve seen this so many times, so, so many times, right. Uh, let me break this one down for you just a little bit more. So when I say.  Choose the goals that will make a positive difference. For your brand and your bottom line that are in alignment with your business’s core values and the mission. 


Okay. If your business, if your profession, if your leadership position, if you are not clear on what your mission is in that role as a leader. Right. It’s going to be. Challenging.   to. Identify the goals that align with that. This is, this is why everything will always go back to self awareness, self mastery, knowing thyself. What is your purpose of being in that leadership role? 


What is the purpose of your business? I don’t care. What kind of business you have, if you sell physical products, what is the purpose of you selling that physical product? Right. If you sell hairbrushes, Right. , and you’re like, well, I’m selling them because people need to brush their hair. Yes, but that’s not enough to. Sort of differentiate you in the market. 


And so if your goal is to grow that business, that hairbrush business. How can you go deeper? What is the deeper mission? Why, why do you want to sell hairbrushes? Right. So people can brush their hair. Like.  What was it about that particular thing that really drew you in? Was it, you know, is it, one of our business’s core values is that everyone should have. access to. Grooming tools that are sustainable. To the environment like that’s getting really clear from just, oh, well, people need brushes. 


So I’m going to sell hairbrushes to.  Oh, here’s exactly. Why this business, why this brand is selling hairbrushes. Right. And so given if that is the mission of this particular business, y’all, y’all love my, my analogies. Right. If that’s given that example, right.


You might decide to create goals for that business that looks like expanding. Into territories  that aren’t flooded with sustainable hairbrushes, right. So it’s like, okay. The goal here is not just to expand the business. Like every business wants to expand, but now let me get a little more. Specific and okay. 


We want to expand our hairbrush business into areas that don’t have sustainably made hairbrushes. Right. So that is an example of how you choose a goal for your business, or your position as a leader that is very much in alignment with your brand, with your mission, with your core values, with. All of those things. And it’s not just based off of some number you pulled out of the sky. Trendy metrics, meaning like  what you’ve read, you should be doing. 


What you’ve read is,  the trajectory of this, that, or the other, and really making it about your business, making it about your brand, making it about your position. As a leader. Right? Another common thing that I see in terms of. Business or professional goals are. Goals of those who are in the leadership positions is focusing on what. The business, the entity, the nonprofit. the, corporation. Quote, unquote down the street is doing so many times. I have had to talk so many clients through this one. 


Here’s what they’ll say. 


My goal is our, our goal this year. One of our goals this year is to,  Generate X amount of dollars.  And I’m. Going to always ask you why. Right.  I’m that coach, who’s always going to ask you why not to challenge you? Not to say that there’s something wrong, but out of genuine curiosity, right? Why do you want that? And a lot of times the why I’ve heard this well, you know, there’s a boutique down the street and they’re doing. X amount of dollars in revenue. 


And so, you know, I should at least be doing that. You know, we have very similar. products and we should be doing that. Or, , one of our goals is we’re going to add this aspect to our. 

Nonprofit, because it’s something that the community has said that it really, really wants. 


and it’s something that we don’t have in the area. Okay. Great. 


Let’s talk about the mission of your nonprofit. Let’s talk about the mission of your boutique. Let’s talk about. Again, 


What are the core values of your boutique? What are the core values of your nonprofit ? Right. 


Even though that business down the street has a very similar business model to you or they sell a similar product. You don’t know the inner workings of that. Business down the street. You don’t know what the inner workings of that CEO. Who is running that business that boutique down the street is like, you don’t know, do they live off of a trust fund? 


And so maybe their prices could be. , Quote unquote, lower than yours because they don’t need to pay themselves a certain amount of income because they live off a trust fund. Like you don’t know those things, you don’t know if, , they have. Private investors. Where, you know, maybe their business model is right now to just build. , traffic. 


And so maybe they’re starting with a lower price model and then they will eventually raise their price. It’s like you have no idea what their business model structure and plan is. And so it’s really. Difficult. And it becomes very sort of destructive a lot of times for entrepreneurs, for you to be building your businesses, goals, the plans for your business. Based on what the business down the street that’s very similar to you is doing.


  Hey there, listeners. Right now is absolutely the best time for you to achieve your number one goal. Whatever your goal is, if it keeps calling out to you, it’s definitely your calling. I’m currently offering private one to one coaching sessions to help women over 30 fulfill your number one goal by your next birthday.


Even if you’re super busy or carry the bulk of the responsibilities in your household. Within our first session, I will help you create your custom, soul centered strategy for success that will propel you closer to achieving your goal in the first 30 days than you’ve ever been before. Through dedicated weekly coaching sessions, private messaging access in between for accountability, Unlimited access to my signature mini trainings and courses, you will be able to take small, simple actions and manifest the life you want by fulfilling one goal at a time.


My holistic life and business coaching starts at 3K for 3 months and payment plans are available. To discuss your goals and learn about how my coaching will help you fulfill them, book a call with me today by visiting soniatopkins. com forward slash book. You can also find the link in my show notes. 


 Now on the flip side, like I’m working with. A woman right now who is building out  A fresh food. Market. In an urban desert. 


Right. And so one of the things that I’m helping her with is an. It’s under a nonprofit, one of the things that I’m helping her with, , as the, the leader in this. Organization. 


I should clarify, because it’s an urban food desert. , that also sort of alludes to the fact that it’s in a community that’s obviously underserved, right? If it was being served well, would not be an urban food desert. That being said. Some of the, , Most important work that we do together. , in our coaching is me helping her stay focused on the mission of the fresh food market. 


Right. Because she has a big heart because she wants this to, you know, really be, become a pillar within the community. . She can tend to take on things or add things to this project. , that can delay the project, you know, , the market being open on time. It can create more work for her. It can take her focus in a lot of different directions. , that then tend to, again, they prolong the. The opening of the market and it, it kind of takes it off track to a certain degree. 


And so what I help her do. in our coaching sessions is to make sure that she is following or that, you know, not that plans can’t change, but I help her too. Always come back to the mission, right? Always come back to the core values, , of why the market is being open because the big heart that she has for that community. 

 Can kind of steer her into, oh, somebody said this would be great. 


Oh, well maybe we’ll add this. And, oh, that would be a great idea. And we’ll, we’ll add this and we’ll do that. And a lot of times the ideas are great. Right. They’re really great. However, I’m always sort of pulling her back to the mission. So that we can get to phase one. Right. Can we get to phase one, which is to get the market open so that it is serving. , the community in its most. Core. 

Function first. 


And then, Hey, now you can, now this might be the next goal that, you all fulfill once the doors are open and then maybe that goal. Over here becomes  gold 2.5 and then goal three and then 3.5. And we kind of put these things in order, and I’m always saying to her, like, This is not about saying or offering to you that you can’t do that. 


It’s just,  how about considering how you can do that? After you do this, right. And that’s always sort of like there’s, this is what, you know, Unless she tells me we get so much out of these sessions is because she’ll bring these things to the table as she’s able to bounce those ideas or those thoughts off of me. 


And I’m here to just say, okay, great. Here’s that thought? Here’s that idea now? Now, let me show you what that looks like in the context of where you already are in the journey, in the mission of that goal of fulfilling that goal. Given that market open. Now, knowing that right now that you can see where that goes or how that plays with the overall mission. 


Is that still something you want to do right now? Or is that a goal that you want to fulfill once we get this first. You know, get through this first phase. And so that’s a great example. Um, I can’t wait till. She’s she’s get that open out and love to share her story with you all. But that’s an example of making sure that when you creating business goals, they are, they are truly in alignment with.  Your brand and your bottom line and that they make a positive difference to both of those things. 


Okay. Now let’s switch focus a little bit. When we’re talking about your personal goals. Okay, now this has become. Probably my most, most favorite thing now, like I said, there was a time and by time, I mean almost two decades where my main focus. Focus my lens of seeing everything was really through a business and professional lens. Um, but yeah, let’s talk about how do you. Create or choose? 


I should say, I keep saying create, , when that’s really not what I mean.  But how do you choose. The right. Personal goals. , for yourself. So I’ll give you an example of like some personal goals. Building your confidence. Building yourself trust or learning to trust yourself. Finding your purpose outside of your work. 


These are all goals that have nothing to do with your profession and all to do with you. And your experience of life. And so when you choose these goals, I like to walk my clients through. A process of identifying what goals, give them the feeling that they want to have about themselves and the feelings they want to have about their life. In order to choose the goal. Right. 


So we’re choosing goals based off of the way you feel about yourself. Versus how others will feel about you. So very similar to the professional goals, we’re bringing it back to is this goal. Going to enhance the way you feel about yourself. It’s more about choosing the goals that are internal goals, right? 


So even when we choose goals that are personal goals, it’s totally fine to choose external personal goals. So an example of an external personal goal would be my goal is I want to take a trip. My goal is  we want to add a new bathroom to our home.  My goal is I want to. Become more agile in my mobility, just, you know, just in walking, like great. 


If I lose a pound or two, but more importantly, I want to be able to.  Bend over and pick up a basket of laundry without my back and my hips creaking. Right? So those are like, well, that last one is not even really an, a great example, but those first. To like, I want to go on a trip. I want to build out a new bathroom. We want to,   Build a deck. Like those are external personal goals. An example of. Personal internal goals. 

Are things like, I want to feel a certain kind of way. 


Right. So I want to learn to trust myself. I want to be confident in my decision-making. I want to. Feel more elation and excitement in my life versus exhaustion. Right? So those are the feelings that you have about yourself versus focusing on. Maybe the external thing, because the external thing, like  here’s some tea. The, I want to go on a trip, right? 


Why do you want to go on a trip? I want to go on a trip because I want to relax. I want to kick my feet up. I just want to be on chill mode. Those are all internal. Feelings. Those are internal goals, right? I want to add a new bathroom.  Why do you want a bathroom? , because although we have one extra bathroom, I would like for. My son to not have to share his bathroom with anyone either because I personally. Feel more comfortable. Myself when I have my own private  bathroom and I’d like for him to have that feeling as well. 


So again, the external goals generally are rooted. , and an internal feeling and an internal  emotion that we want to fulfill. And I think that those are way more powerful and help you get to your, your goals. Quicker because you have a deep connection to it. It’s not just an arbitrary sort of like goal or thing that you want to accomplish. 


Right. And it’s certainly all about you and not creating personal goals for yourself versus. Based on how others feel about you, right? So I want to lose weight. Why do you want to lose weight? Well, I want to lose weight, so my husband finds me more sexy. , that’s losing weight because. Of how someone else feels about you. 


, and that’s a whole other podcast episode. So I hope that I hope that gives you an example of like, 


Personal goals, making sure that they are. Rooted in how you feel about yourself versus how others will feel about you or, deeper than just an external. 


Object type of goal or goal that is based on, , Receiving an object, right?


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