Here are links to more ways I can support you in creating more harmony between your work and life.

Hey I'm Sonja!

Even though I had successfully built three businesses, I was always on pins & needles. I never trusted my unorthodox process toward pursuing my goals and many passions would be the key to creating my best life.

After a three year journey of personal & professional exploration I finally connected the dots and felt at peace in making a living and living in my purpose by fulfilling my goals using my soul strategy for success. 

And if you’re ready I’ll help you do the same.

Schedule A Call with Me Today

so we can discuss the path toward your deepest desires and how I’ll help you get there. 

Click to RSVP to get started. 

Join a community of people with multiple passions + interests being supported 2-3 times a week in achieving harmony between fulfilling their responsibilities, relationships & well-being goals.

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